Friday, February 22, 2013

Our kitchen faucet arrived this week, Mr. Pelletier and Chuck put it in for us. We love it!

I am spoiled and now know what it is like to have a TV in my bedroom. Mark mounted it to the wall. So much better watching TV and falling asleep in bed as opposed to the couch! Wondering why we have horses in the room? Mark has been re-finishing all the doors in the house, one at a time. Our bedroom is the lucky work area for now.

Here comes spring! Or so we hope. We've started our garden indoors in one of the spare bedrooms that has lots of light. We are growing 30 different veggies/herbs! Mark plans to build a raised garden bed in our back yard. More pictures to come of that as it gets warmer, but for now, we have some great broccoli and brussel sprouts popping up already!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The blizzard of 2013, Nemo, hit us all hard! Here are some snowy pics of our warm and cozy home. Also included some updates.

Updates inside:

Driftwood fish (matches the one outside) for the downstairs bathroom.

New blinds for the kitchen windows.

Curtain for the kitchen sliding door.